We ship worldwide by the case, pallet, transport, or container. Do you need a private label? Let us help you! We can match your needs with the
perfect grade of syrup. Light delicate flavour to a more robust, maple flavor; let us help you choose the right syrup for your needs.
Inspected by Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Ecocert. It is our pleasure to ship high grade, quality syrup around the world.
Maple syrup may be the oldest agricultural product in North America
To make Maple syrup, sap is boiled down until it is about 67% sugar. No wonder it is so sweet!
There are a number of legends explaining the origin of Maple syrup. One of these legends claims that the first Maple syrup was made by an Iroquois woman, wife of Chief Woksis, who discovered sap flowing from a tree hit by a tomahawk the night before. Look online for more of this legend and others about Maple syrup.
Pure Maple syrup is a great example of sustainable food. Trees can yield sap for over 100 years.
The first full moon of sap season is known as the Sugar Moon.